Pole Dancing and Managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME respectively) is a long-term condition of unknown aetiology that causes extreme tiredness and can affect different parts of the body. Around 250,000-700,000 people in the UK are living with CFS/ME at present.

The condition can cause a variety of symptoms, the main ones being extreme fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems and extreme exhaustion after a physical or mental activity. While there is currently no cure for CFS/ME, treatments include strategies such as energy management, often drastic lifestyle changes.

Can pole dancing support management of CFS/ME?

Pole student Saf is here to share her story and lived experience of growing up and living with chronic fatigue, and how her journey led her to try pole as part of her strategies to live with CFS/ME. We talk about the tangible benefits of pole to Saf’s overall wellbeing and how the sport itself can be malleable and allow practitioners to pace the intensity according to what feels good.

This is an illuminating conversation you do not want to miss, thank you for joining us on the pod!