Mastering Comparison in Pole or Aerial Class: Tips to Feel Good Enough


I am guessing you are here reading this blog because you can relate to the following:

You’re in class. Perhaps today wasn’t the bestest of days in general. Now class is a culmination of all the moves you realllllly don’t get on with. Cue, you’re looking around the room and cannot help but compare yourself: to the people in your class, to your instructor, to someone online who started at the same time as you but somehow has a lot more cool stuff worth uploading on Instagram than you.

Hello comparison, you little thief of pole and aerial joy!

Firstly, let’s look at comparison for what it really is: a totally normal and human experience. So please stop beating yourself up about it.

And now that we’re a little more cool with it, we can dive into some bits we can do to help us cope with comparison a little better when in class, no toxic positivity required!

Come on in and enjoy 20 minutes worth of comparison-busting tools to help you life your beat pole and aerial life!