What are Summer Series Courses?

What are Summer Series Courses?

You’re in the right place for the low down on our signature 6 week summer programs in Cheltenham that will take you from novice to badass!

Whether it’s pole fit or aerial arts in the air, our summer courses are carefully designed to require ZERO prerequisites or previous experience.

You simply start when and how you start, and we help you progress from there at your own pace, and in a way that suits your body! Week on week, you will learn a mixture of foundational holds, poses, spins and combinations in a group of fellow Summer Series Starters who are all learning together, laughing together, sweating together, cheering together.

Let’s be honest, it’s certainly not all grace and glamour, more like grunting and grit at times πŸ™‚ To date, 127 adults aged 18 to 59 have started with us on courses in our Cheltenham Studios and learned to invert, climb, spin and make gorgeous shapes off the ground!

Summer Series Programs come with a little welcome gift, unlimited and free online flexibility and pilates classes, an exclusive graduate discount, weekly motivational emails and a healthy dose of Momentum community!

So if you’re ready to become stronger, feel more positive and empowered in both body and mind, come on in and join us this summer! You can absolutely feel your best ALL summer, not just when on holiday!

Check out our upcoming courses:


Intro to Aerial Arts Course

Mondays 7.15-8.15pm with teacher Shay

πŸ“Bournside Sports Centre, GL51 EF

Starts 24th of June for 6 weeks, Β£75

Grab your space here

Intro to Pole Courses

πŸ“Cheltenham Pole Studio, 25 Rodney Road, GL50 1JJ
£75 each and lots of choice ❀️

Sundays 7-8pm with Megan

Starts 23rd of June for 6 weeks, book here

Mondays 6-7pm with Rachael

Starts 24th of June for 6 weeks, book here

Thursdays 8.10-9.10pm with Rachael

Starts 27th of June for 6 weeks, book here

Our Classes in Action

Courses on Offer

We do love a bit of choice, so we’ve got an Aerial Arts Intro Course, as well as THREE different Pole Intro Courses for you to choose from!

Take a look at the times and days available and select the course that fits you and your life best πŸ™‚


Intro to Aerial Arts Course

Mondays 7.15-8.15pm with teacher Shay

πŸ“Bournside Sports Centre, GL51 EF

Starts 24th of June for 6 weeks, Β£75

Grab your space here

Intro to Pole Courses

πŸ“Cheltenham Pole Studio, 25 Rodney Road, GL50 1JJ

£75 each and lots of choice ❀️

Sundays 7-8pm with Megan

Starts 23rd of June for 6 weeks, book here

Mondays 6-7pm with Rachael

Starts 24th of June for 6 weeks, book here

Thursdays 8.10-9.10pm with Rachael

Starts 27th of June for 6 weeks, book here

Payment plan for 2 x instalments of Β£37.50 a better fit for you? All cool, find it here!

What to Expect

Our 6-week summer programs are carefully designed to ensure you progress safely and effectively week on week, while working with your individual strengths and weaknesses. Although you will be starting as a group, the program consists of progressions and variations, because we’re not all exactly the same, so why would our bodies move exactly the same way?

Programs are set out to up your confidence on the pole, or give you a good basis of trying out aerial hoop and aerial fabric! All while building strength, awareness and coordination, supporting body neutrality in an uplifting and welcoming social environment.

Who is it for?

Programs are specifically designed for those with no prior experience of pole dance or aerial arts. No gym, yoga, or dance background is required. Start as you are!

Programs are also a great way to find your feet again if you have been on a longish break and would like to dive back into the wonderful world of upside down!

Why do it?

Pole and aerial arts are unlike any other fitness programs: uplifting (literally and figuratively), positive, encouraging, welcoming, individual, creative, strong, confidence boosting, empowering, fun, lighthearted, challenging, tough, gritty, non-competitive, body neutral, GOOD FOR BODY, MIND AND SOUL!

Seriously though, body weight exercise such as pole and aerial is great for you if you’d like to overall:

feel a bit stronger, happier and more positive, meet some amazing new people, make time for yourself and carry the shopping without being so out of breath!

What’s included?

Most importantly, your weekly 60 minute class!

On top of this, your program includes a welcome gift, weekly emails to chat about your progress and receive a hefty dose of encouragement and coaching so you never feel like you have to go it alone!

PLUS: We’re gifting you UNLIMITED and FREE online flexibility and pilates classes for the ultimate summer feel-good!

AND AND AND: You receive an epic 25% graduate discount on any membership when you continue your training after the 6 weeks πŸ™‚

What happens if I miss a class?

All cool! You receive a code and instructions in your course confirmation email that allow you to book catch up classes so you can get your fix on another day!

How much is it?

Absolute bargain of only Β£75 for the full 6 week program for pole or aerial arts. Includes your weekly class, welcome gift, coaching emails, graduate discount and unlimited, free online flexibility and pilates.

Can I spread the cost?

Totally cool to divide the cost with 2 x payments at Β£37.50 a pop too! Grab the payment plan here!

Rachel’s Story

So, I’m into the band BTS, and was watching some of their videos last year and in one of them they all go to Aerial yoga and I thought that it looked like so much fun, I really wanted to give it a go! Obviously I headed straight to Google and found Momentum 😊 You did some Aerial yoga at the end of last year but I couldn’t make most of the dates so grumpily resigned myself to have to wait for the next lot you did (which, hilariously I STILL have never managed to make – one day!) but then when the Momentum method program was announced for January 2023 it piqued my interest.
I’ve never enjoyed anything sporty much, ever. P.E was hell at school, I’m super uncoordinated, not very fit and had absolutely no upper body strength (it’s a dream to be able to do a press up one day). I’m 6ft tall, clumsy, and have always generally felt like one of those wavy armed inflatables that you get outside of car dealerships. Like I don’t have much control over my body and I just get in the way! I had friends who’d done pole in the past but didn’t want to try it myself as I heard from them how much it bruised and as I bruise like a peach I didn’t fancy it. But Aerial hoop looked a lot more doable, cool, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt or give me bruises.
On a very brave whim I signed up and eagerly awaited January and my first class.
Walking into Momentum for the first time I was really happy to see that everyone looked “normal” and although I was expecting to be the worst in the class, I didn’t think it would be embarrassingly so.
Well, I was wrong about the pain and the bruises wasn’t I! But it was all entirely doable, and I could do so much considering I could barely support my own bodyweight with my arms and hands. I had black backs of my knees from bruising for the next 8 weeks, as well as all the others, but I have never enjoyed a form of exercise as much as I LOVE this. I could see the gains in skill and strength week by week, and the supportive atmosphere of the class with celebrating hitting moves has never gotten old, not even 7 months later now that I go three times per week, have added in a bit of sling and silks, dabbled with pole, and can hold my own damn bodyweight at long last.
I now feel so much more in control of my body, feel powerful, actually have some upper body strength and my core is finally building back up, 4 years after giving birth and destroying it.
I love being able to tell people I do Aerial, I love the community around the studio, I still adore coming home at the end of a class and showing the pics and videos of what I’ve achieved, and I’m getting SO CLOSE to being able to straddle and it’s so exciting.
All thanks to watching BTS do Aerial yoga back in 2022.

Shannon’s Story

So, I started dancing at age 4 & immediately fell in love with it. Fast-forward 14 years & I’m studying it at university. Not sure what to do when I graduate, I start a PGCE in Secondary Dance in 2021 to train to be a dance teacher. This was the worst decision I ever made, I spent 1 year being, essentially, bullied by my supervisor, constantly being told nothing I do will ever be good enough & spent every day teeming with anxiety, absolutely dreading going to work where she would watch & criticise the lessons I taught, I felt physically sick & would cry all the time. I lost every single ounce of confidence I had left in myself (which was scarce to begin with) & developed overactive bladder syndrome due to the sheer stress of the year, & was already struggling with fibromyalgia. Somehow, I got through the dreadful year & qualified but once it was over I
decided that dance wasn’t for me anymore & it was time to leave it in the past, it had done far more harm than good in the past year & I’d fallen out of love with it…but I missed moving creatively & couldn’t fully commit to the gym, as I found it boring.
I researched starting pole as it’s something I had always admired & thought looked so beautiful & I found Momentum. I joined the Momentum Method for pole in September 2022 & it’s genuinely changed my life; pole has helped me become so much more confident & self-assured. I feel at home when I’m at the studio & movement has become a joy again rather than a chore – even if I do find it really hard still (lol). The whole community is so uplifting and kind & I honestly don’t know what I’d do without pole, it has become such a fundamental part of my life & I believe it’s the only reason I’ve been able to regain confidence after being an anxious mess with no self-esteem for so long. I’ve tried so many classes & everyone has been so lovely & welcoming. I do not know where I’d be without pole/Momentum & it found me when I needed it most. Thank you for such an incredible, safe & uplifting community, it means the world πŸ’—

Ready for your best summer?

If you’re ready

– to fizz with excitement this summer

– surprise yourself with all the cool things you will be able to do from lesson 1

– start your life upside down

– feel more positive and stronger

– start building buff shoulders

then deffo grab a space before our courses sell out!

The best things in life all start the same: with a few nervous butterflies and by simply making a start – pole and aerial arts are no different!

We’re so excited to meet you! xxx

Not quite hitting the spot? All cool – drop us a message x

Oh no, I can’t make it!

Having to miss our Cheltenham pole and aerial arts courses this summer?

Days and times not working for you?

Don’t panic in the slightest πŸ™‚

You can start ANY of our disciplines at ANY time with our drop in classes, and choose a session that works for you and your schedule.

Pole, Heels Pole, Aerial Hoop, Aerial Silks, Aerial Sling, we’ve got them all as weekly beginner drop in classes too πŸ™‚

We know what you think: “But I have a ton of questions, and is it scary starting drop in rather than on a course?”

Thing is, everything that is new and challenging is scary, but doing the thing is the only way to grow in confidence. You got this! It’s a wonderfully aspirational way to get going as you will see in class what is possible with repeated training over the course of weeks and months!

So grab your fave leggings or joggers, bring some water and come and hang out with us! We’re excited to meet you in class! xxx