Heels Technique

Pole flow and floorwork technique class for all things heels pole! This is a techy class for those with heels experience and everyone new to this style. No inverts required!
This is a varied class, covering various aspects of heels and sexy pole technique. The focus for sessions varies on a regular basis from short choreos and combos, to headstands and shoulderstands, tricks up the pole with heels flair, sessions in socks with a lyrical focus, to wavey, bouncey, gooey and fluid moves, static and spinning pole!

Class Duration: 60mins

Please email hello@momentumpoleaerial.com with any questions or queries

Cancellation policy:
This class comes under our 24 hour cancellation policy, no refunds or re-bookings can be offered if you cancel with fewer than 24 hours’ notice.

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